We Answer Your Laser Questions

Aerolase Laser

PreCare Instructions

Things to know before your procedure:

  • *ALL Treated areas Must be free of moisturizer, make-up, and all products.
  • *For Hair Removal treatments shave 24-48 hours prior to treatment to ensure that stubble hair will be present.
  • *Patients taking photo-sensitizing medication, such as Accutane, should consult with their dermatologist prior to treatment.
  • *Discontinue Retinol products 48 hours before treatment.
  • *Clients with a spray tan must wait until their tan application has completely resolved.
  • *Onychomycosis (Toenail Fungus) clients Bring a NEW/CLEAN pair of socks to wear after the procedure.
  • *If you are pregnant you can not receive a laser treatment.
  • *Clients with Lupus can not receive treatment.

Aerolase Laser Explained

Aerolase lasers are established as the gold-standard for medical and aesthetic applications. The unique parameters allow unmatched safety, efficacy, and tolerability for patients while providing us with ease-of-use to achieve predictable and replicable results. Whether you are seeking to remove age spots, treat acne, or remove hair, Aerolase has a solution for you.

Acne Treatment

Spider Veins Treatment

Actually, the LightPod Neo is the safest laser in the industry for darker skin types or tanned skin. This is because of MicroPulse-1064 technology, which essentially eliminates treatment pain while minimizing the chances of hyper and/ or hypo- pigmentation.

This can vary depending on skin and hair color, but generally 4 to 6 sessions are required for 80% clearance or greater, which is considered very good in aesthetic laser medicine. After that, an annual maintenance treatment is recommended.

The FDA requires that laser manufacturers describe the process as “permanent hair reduction”, not “permanent hair removal”, because, in their words, “although laser treatments with these devices will permanently reduce the total number of body hairs, they will not result in a permanent removal of all hair.” Patients can generally expect more than 75% to 80% clearance after 6 sessions and should plan on 1 or 2 annual follow up sessions for ideal maintenance.

No, there is just a mild, very tolerable sensation of heat. This is one of the key technical breakthroughs of Aerolase technology! The LightPod Neo has set a new standard for virtually pain-free treatment, even on darker skin types, thanks to MicroPulse-1064 technology.

The laser light passes through the nail and skin to reach the nail bed and matrix. The laser light selectively targets the fungal infection to superheat the fungal structures in order to effectively eradicate them. It is generally agreed upon that a heat of at least 45 degrees Celsius is necessary to kill fungus, which is why the LightPod Neo’s unique high power in a short pulse duration makes the treatment so effective yet tolerable.

To successfully eradicate nail fungus and improve the condition and color of a nail is a long process that includes both time and consistent foot care to deter reinfection. It takes a nail anywhere from 9-12 months to completely grow out so it is important to be patient and adhere to the after care directions you are given. Immediately after treatment you will not notice any differences in your nail and may continue your day normally. As the nail grows out you should start to see clear nail growth, which will continue as long as reinfection does not occur.

No. Anesthetics and cooling gels are not needed with LightPod Neo, because it is uniquely pain-free. However, some buildup of heat will be experienced and slight pinching may be felt at times. This unique benefit saves you time, money and mess by eliminating gels and sprays required by other lasers that cool the skin during treatment. With other lasers and IPL devices, clients often abandon treatment after just one or two sessions due to intolerable pain. This is not the case with Aerolase lasers.

Click For More Information On Additional Treatments:

Hair Removal
Nail Fungus
Pigmented Lesions
Skin Rejuvenation
Veins and Blood Vessels